NFSC Extreme Heat Protocol
Soccer in Extreme Heat
Here at the Niagara Falls Soccer Club, our players are very important to us and we would not want to see any harm come to them, however, we have to be very cautious regarding how many times we cancel due to various weather circumstances.
We try not to cancel soccer games due to extreme heat, but instead, we allow parents to make individual decisions on player participation. Players will not be penalized for choosing not to play in such conditions. The following recommendations are some key guidelines for soccer participation in the heat:
1. Avoid dehydration and make sure to pre-hydrate
2. Water Breaks
Referees have been advised that frequent water breaks MUST be provided, especially at the mid-point of each half of play, and that the half-time (water break) and they should be a reasonable amount of time to allow for maximum water intake. They have also been advised that the water breaks are mandatory and cannot be removed by coach request.
In extreme heat, in addition to our water refill station, NFSC will add additional water stations around our fields to provide extra hydration for all our players and members.
3. Heat Injury Indicators
How can you tell if one of your soccer players/child is experiencing heat injury? Below is a list of the early warning signs to look for and again this is not an exhaustive list:
Finally, while players (other than the goalie) are not permitted to wear hats during the actual game, players who are sitting off should be actively encouraged to wear a hat or seek shade.
We hope this helps answer any questions and we hope with some care, everyone enjoys their soccer season!